Best in italy,

Pizza in Italy

the best pizza in the world

Story of Pizza

my pizza my story

Pizza Margherita is to many the true Italian flag.

Since 2009, Pizza Margherita is one of the three Pizze Napoletane with an STG (Specialità Tradizionali Garantite – Traditional Guaranteed Specialty) EU label together with the Marinara (garlic and oregano) and the Margherita Extra (mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, fresh basil and tomatoes).

neapolitan homemade pizza margarita from the brick oven. Napoleon Italian Pizza with fresh mozzarella and basil leaves. true Italian Traditional Pizza Margherita

Featured On


choose your food and enjoy

All Meats Are Served with House Pickles

pizza margherita


margherita pizza whit mozzarella and tomato

Pizza alla Rumena


all you want, riso, peperoni, meionese 

Mici made Romania


I don’t know the ingredients but it’s good

Chicken Nuggets with Potato


it’s good 

Grilled Mackerel Steak


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Mattis pulvi nar dapibus

pizza alla sara


the pizza of Sara is so good that it will kill you. 

se vieni al nostro negozio avrai

Happy Hours

Every Thursday, 4PM – 7PM

They All Love Our Food

Consectetur adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.​ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

"Most amazing I ever had!!"
- Bryan G
"Amazing taste, and juicy steaks!! Best ever!!"
- Laura Petracio
"I always visit here, and they always surprise me."
- Harold Z
"A must visit for every steak lover"
- Laura Petracio